is an opinion column written by Larry Swickard published on “The Kansas City Star” website on October 2017 that argues that gun control laws will not reduce the crime rate in the US. Swickard’s main argument is that up to date there have been many regulations set up to stop criminal’s and mentally unstable people from purchasing guns, but unfortunately these regulations failed since criminals don’t obey the law in the first place and typically obtain guns through burglary or theft.
is an article written by the NRA-IL that makes the case that gun control laws do not reduce crime, rather in contras if more people bared arms society will be safer.
is an article summarizing facts of the Sheikh Jarrah eviction case in Israel. It was written by Alex Safian and published by the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA).
is an academic survey of how citizen trust in government relates to that government’s COVID-19 response. The results of the survey show that trust in government is the strongest predictor of one’s willingness to be vaccinated [IxB].
is a question about government action in the face of combatting COVID-19. The question also applies more broadly to other diseases for which vaccines exist.
updated 3 years, 5 months ago
updated 3 years, 4 months ago
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